How to Enable 2FA on Fortnite, Fortnite 2FA

How to Enable 2FA on Fortnite

How to Enable 2FA on Fortnite how to enable 2fa for fortnight hey guys it's tech widget here and I saw that a ton of people needed to know how to do, this for like upcoming tournaments and stuff like that and to play in them you have to have.

To FA enabled so you can actually get your money and stuff like that to FA stands for two-factor authentication so what it basically means.

Is whenever someone tries to sign into your account it will send the email first to your account and it will.

Send a code to it and then you're gonna have to type in that code to sign.

In so without chatting too much let's get on to it so you're gonna have to log into your for my account on epic game Gamescom as you can see at the top, so then you I just made, a test account so you want to click on your account and you wanna click account and so as we let this load up we can. See all of our general info here and so as I'm is, growing down if you just find right here download a copy of the information that you shared with us you'll need to enable two-factor authentication so you just tap.

On that it is a link then you scroll down and then this is I do a two-factor authentication to have a can be used to.

Protect your account from on or on a Thorat I used access by requiring you to enter a security code, when you sign in so you can use an Authenticator app as your two-factor you sign in you'll be required. To use security writing I. Here then to gator opt-in a will this service email address is required so you just click on enable authentication app and. Then email authentication you just do that and you've all the steps it gives you so let's do that one so you have to verify your email and everything but I don't, feel like going to Gmail and everything right now, so you just follow steps it gives you it's very simple from there so I'll see you, next time and I hoped this helped you out peace .

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