Epic Games Sign in 2fa, Fortnite 2FA

Epic Games Sign in 2fa

Epic games sign in 2fa alright guys splits here i’ma show you guys how to enable 2 FA on 4 nights so it doesn’t matter if you’re on Xbox or ps4 or anything it will all work the, same so I’m obviously on ps4 so I can see so if you enable it if you enable 2 FA you do get this free.

Emote which I’ll show you so it’s this one right here so it’s called the boogie. Down so it is free once you enable it and it’s a pretty cool emo so you can do all you can set, up to f8 just from your phone because, I feel like it’s a lot easier that way so yeah I want to try to get this video, to like 11 likes I think I think we could do that so make sure you guys leave a like get those 11 lights and let’s get right to it alright so you just want to go, to your browser and then you just want to, search for 4 night epic games and then it’s gonna be the first one so I’m going to click, that alright so this is how the site looks like if you guys want to also put a link to this below so, once you’re here you just want to go on the top right where you, see those three black lines and then if you look on the bottom where it says sign in press that and then can’t tell you do you already play for, now I just say yes and I play on PlayStation so, I’m gonna pick that one and then once you do all that it’s good it’s gonna tell you to sign in so I’m gonna just sign in alright so I just, signed in so I’m gonna say not now to this so I should bring you back to the, screen that we saw before so just go back to the three black lines and then you want to go to your, account so I’ll. Just press on it and then press on account so once you’re here you’ll see all your account information so just scroll a little bit down until you see something that says right here account information so yeah I can, see there’s like a little two-factor authentication link to it so just press on that. And then once you’re here it’ll show this so just scroll a little. Bit down to you see you here so this is what you want you want this email authentication so just hit that and then, it says that it’s set a code to my email so I’m actually just gonna go back to my email and it should pop. Up here alright so there it.

Is so I’m gonna just go to this email so my code is obviously gonna be different from everybody else but this is my code, so I’m actually just gonna copy this copy and then just put it in to this code right here alright so paste it and then.

You just wanted to continue alright so it says. That we officially set up to you I face so we can just press down with that so now I’ll show you me going on my ps4 it and show you guys my new emo so.

Yeah let’s go to my ps4 alright so I just restarted my game this is Larry the first thing that popped up, so I can see it says thanks for making your account more secure and I got the booty down, email for free so I’m actually gonna claim this.

So now if I go to my locker like look at this sad Locker out for nothing this is why I need this free emote and there.

It is I’m gonna clip it and that’s how you, do it that’s how you enable 2fa it’s really easy so make sure you guys leave a like and subscribe this helps you out and yeah .

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