Get Fortnite 2fa, Fortnite 2FA

Get Fortnite 2fa

Get fortnite 2fa hey guys it’s this year and welcome back to my channel today be going over how to enable two-step authentication on for night Battle Royale just, so that we can get into your account you know that makes it safer playing competitive events send, gifts to your friends and receive gifts from your friends so this video will definitely help you guys out if you guys don’t know how to do it so yeah guys definitely.

Subscribe because I’ll keep you guys up to date, with the newest challenges and basically stuff like this I won’t just just try to help out the community so yeah the way we’re gonna want to do this is. We’re gonna head over to the Epic Games website and sign into our in our our account so see you guys once I’ve done. That alright now that, we are on the epic games thing we’re just going to go up to here and click account and once we get here just click password and security next you’re.

Gonna want to scroll all the way down to where it says email authentication you can use your phone but the the easiest.

Way would have to be the email one so just.

Gonna click enable and then it’s gonna send you a code to your email, so I’m gonna pull up my email and get that code make sure you guys are checking the right email because you might have a different app you might have your account going to, and out another email that you didn’t even know about so. Yeah so we’re just there going to be going to this email well alright now that we have found our code we’re gonna copy we’re gonna copy and paste this code right here so, right.

Here copy then come over here and click paste continue and there you guys go that’s all you have to do now you can send gifts playing for non-competitive events or receive gifts, so there you guys go if you guys didn’t know how to do that there you guys go nice and easy as you, can click disable if you want to turn it off but I’d highly recommend keeping it on seeing do. All this I’ve mentioned previously so yeah guys because enjoy you definitely wanna like and subscribe I’ll see you.

Guys next time peace .

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