Fortnite two factor authentication enable, Fortnite 2FA

Fortnite two factor authentication enable

Fortnite two factor authentication enable hey guys what's up and welcome to this video where today I'm gonna be showing you how to enable two-factor authentication, on your own for Fortnight account so let's get into this video roll the intro okay so what you're gonna wanna do first is you want to go onto a laptop or. Computer and insert PC and go to epic games calm and then sign in sure account which it's, really easy to do to choose your password and then you want to click that kind of hover over that your name go to account, and then you'll be taking on to this page and here, you will start on general kind of at the top here than one point in but you want to go.

Down to password and security so this is the screen roll now so what's gonna happen this up it's gonna show you I've of T enable two-factor.

Authentication so it will come up for me so what would it will do for you is to say enable two-factor authentication, you'll have to download this app and it will give you.

Some codes and then basically what it means is every time you sign in it will, ask you for that code it's really good it keeps hackers up your account you can disable it at any time get backup codes it really huge fall I personally use it, you get the boogie-down remote which I will show on screen now maybe if I don't saw him I just didn't have time but the, boovie down and what's a really cool emote which him there's a booty down. Competition I think about a year or two ago and the winners. Actually managed to get their remote in the game and if you're unable to have in you get it it's really cool and.

It's really cool they can't be encouraging you to enable it it's really easy to, do only takes about five minutes it took me probably less than that but no enabled it about a year ago it's just really good and, I recommend you do it to prevent your can't get in hot because you know a lot of hackers do hack into four light, accounts especially when there's be books they sell them then so just make sure you have it enabled it's such a good feature and yeah I don't, know what else to say just make sure you get it. So I do hope you enjoyed this video I know it's kind of shorter today I do hope you.

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