2Af Fortnite, Fortnite 2FA

2Af Fortnite

2Af Fortnite so first of all you want to do is go onto Safari then type in fortnight’s epic games so for tonight’s epic games and you see it already come up my reasons so what you should click on this, fortnight chapter 2 season 3 splashdown then go to. The top right to the menu and click on account this will only come up if you aren’t already signed in but as you can see.

I’m on xbox so I click on Xbox.

And then I click on Google when you click on your Google account you might have to do a security code thing so just do that and then you go back.

Onto it and you can just click on your name, and then on to account and then your all the way down to account information and then you click on two-factor authentication that should take you to this when you go yo enable email. Authentication so any email would have been sent to your Google account so you.

Guys do Google accounts then you go on to epic because you should have an email from epic games, you that’s the code that you need to put in for the two.

Factor authentication to work so you type that in or you can just copy and paste that I chose to type it in. And does it wrong the first time embarrassingly but what the second time because I’ve actually got it rights and then it should say it should that say email authentication enabled which means that, two-factor authentication is, on and went next time you go on to your account it should be working and you would get this free emote called buggy down if this video was helpful to you in any way shape, or form then hit that subscribe button .

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